Community Care Team
The purpose of the Flint Hills Community Care Team (FHCCT) is to provide person-centered care to improve health outcomes for the most vulnerable members of our community by developing wrap around services through multi-agency partnerships and care coordination.
FHCCT views “health” as defined by the social determinants of health – so it is not just an individual’s physical and mental health that are addressed – we are concerned about whether an individual has safe and affordable housing; reliable transportation; food; clothing; health insurance; a medical home; employment, etc. – all the things needed to live and thrive.
Flint Hills Community Care Team was started in October 2018 by the Flint Hills Wellness Coalition in response to the 2015 Community Needs Assessment for Riley County where respondents expressed concern about the lack of access and coordination of services for the most vulnerable people in our community. FHCCT was modeled after a program in Middlesex County, Connecticut (Liberty Bank Foundation, "Middlesex Hospital Community Care Teams, K. Irwin & B. Branch, December 2015).
At inception, FHCCT started with about a dozen community member organizations: health department, hospital, community mental health center, emergency medical services, local school district, emergency shelter, and several local non-profit organizations that serve vulnerable populations. Our membership has since grown to more than two dozen organizations as listed on the Authorization for the Release of Information (ROI) signed by clients. They include:
Ascension Via Christi Hospital Manhattan
City of Manhattan – Manhattan Fire Department Risk Reduction
Flint Hills Wellness Coalition
Good Shepherd Homecare & Hospice
Habitat for Humanity of the Flint Hills
Infinite Counseling Connections LLC
Kansas Department of Children & Families Adult Protective Services
Kansas Department of Children & Families Child Protective Services
Kansas Department of Transportation/Flint Hills Area Transportation Agency
Manhattan Office of Kansas Legal Services
Konza Prairie Community Health Center
Manhattan Emergency Shelter Inc.
Morningstar Inc.
North Central Flint Hills Area Agency on Aging
Riley County Emergency Medical Services
Riley County Health Department
Riley County Police Department
Stonecreek Family Physicians
Stormont Vail Health Manhattan Campus
Three Rivers Inc.
FHCCT meets on the first and third Wednesdays of the month from 12-1pm in the Leadership Board Room at Ascension Via Christi Manhattan Hospital.
Specific outcomes that have been realized as the result of the FHCCT include but are not limited to:
Fewer repeat visits to the hospital emergency room which is a cost savings to the hospital and community
Fewer repeat calls to Riley County Emergency Medical Services thus reducing the cost to the taxpayer
Social service agencies and affiliated organizations all work from the same “playbook,” so to speak, to meet the needs of individuals which reduces the likelihood that agencies will be taken advantage of
FHCCT clients’ needs are meet sooner than if they were trying to navigate the social service and health care systems on their own
Primary presenting problems
Housing insecurity / homelessness
Mental health / substance use
Financial insecurity / unemployment
Lack of insurance / underinsured
Lack of transportation
Food insecurity
Barriers to providing adequate support
Lack of community financial resources to meet the increasing need in the community
Criminal backgrounds limit housing options
Inadequate number of local mental health providers to address substance use; need local inpatient treatment options
Lack of beds in state hospitals
Lack of responsiveness on the part of some state agencies