Ongoing Projects

Priorities identified in the 2022 Community Health Improvement Plan (CHIP) resulted in the creation of three workgroups focused on improving health outcomes in our community and advocating for policies that have a positive impact. The workgroup pages are linked below.
Pathways to a Healthy Kansas
Pathways to a Healthy Kansas combines community-wide evidence-based solutions and promising practices for improving active living, healthy eating, and tobacco prevention to make a large impact across multiple sectors in communities.

Community Health Improvement Plan
Riley County's 2022 Community Health Improvement Plan (CHIP) was an iterative process involving 200 stakeholders in reviewing data, discussing needs, and identifying priorities. The top three priorities identified and used as the basis for workgroups were mental health, transportation, and housing.
Community Care Team
The purpose of the Flint Hills Community Care Team (CCT) is to provide person-centered care as well as improve outcomes for the most vulnerable members of our community by developing wrap-around services through multi-agency partnerships and care coordination.

Community Needs Assessment

To gain insights from the community for the purposes of planning and community improvement, the Coalition conducted a community-wide needs assessment, which included the compilation of selected secondary data, administration of a community survey, community member interviews, and focus groups. The community survey was primarily conducted online to gather input from residents regarding their perceptions of community strengths and needs in 10 topic areas.